No hay peor sentencia que la que uno se impone a si mismo!!!

Entradas etiquetadas como “juego

«My Favourite Faded Fantasy»

You could be my favourite taste
To touch my tongue
I know someone who could serve me love
But it wouldn’t fill me up

You could have my favourite face
And favourite name
I know someone who could play the part
But it wouldn’t be the same

No it wouldn’t be the same
No it wouldn’t be the same
No it wouldn’t be the same
As with you

You could be my favourite place
I’ve ever been
I got lost in your willingness
To dream within the dream

You could be my favourite faded fantasy
I’ve hung my happiness upon what it all could be

And what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
With you
What it all, what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
With you

You could hold the secrets that save
Me from myself
I could love you more than love could
All the way from hell

You could be my poison, my cross,
My razor blade
I could love you more than life
If I wasn’t so afraid

Of what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
Of what it all, what it all could be
With you
What it all, what it all could be
Of what it all, what it all could be
What it all, what it all could be
With you

Loved is all that bloomed
Always what you did
Never let someone go or they
I ain’t never loved like you

‘Cause I’ve never loved, I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved, loved loved like you
I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved like you
I’ve never loved
I’ve never loved

«Estoy conciente»

Estoy consiente, estas pueden ser mis ultimas palabras,  si me equivoco no tendré oportunidad, mas ponte al tanto que ambos jugamos este juego y ahora las reglas no puedes cambiar. Entiende si acepte fue para ganar, mas perdona, ya que mi gloria nunca será tu derrota y aun si pierdo este el juego, seguro estoy ya de ganar. Te espero para la revancha, ya que después de hoy, seguro te dejas ganar.

Ahora vamos a jugar . . .

Maduras cuando tomas un juego con la seriedad de un niño

. . . mi juego